How do you know when your industrial engine’s spark plug is about to fail? Learn about two symptoms of faulty spark plugs.
1. Engine Misfires
An engine misfire is one of the most common causes of power loss. It occurs when the ignition process that powers a combustion engine fails to work as it should. If fuel, air, or a spark are missing from the intake, the engine won’t combust the fuel mixture. Substandard or dirty parts can also cause short misfires, jumps, and stuttering. If you notice an engine making stumbling or stuttering noises, and the fuel and air intakes still appear to be fine, you may want to check the spark plug. A faulty coil or electrical connection HT Lead can also cause engine misfires.
2. High Exhaust Temperature
While your exhaust should maintain a certain temperature to indicate that it’s working properly – if it starts getting too hot, that’s also a warning sign. If the engine’s spark plug hasn’t fully ignited all of the fuel – in other words, achieved full combustion – then the piston cannot be fully pushed down. When this is the case, all of that remaining heat will be released via the exhaust valve, causing higher-than-usual exhaust temperatures.
Keep an eye on the exhaust temperature sensor monitor for any signs that you’re exceeding a healthy temperature.
Spark Plug Replacement With RM Walsh
If your spark plugs are wearing out and causing your industrial engines to stall, call or email us. RM Walsh will talk through what you’ll need to install to get your combustion engine back up to speed. If you want to learn more about the symptoms of faulty spark plugs, contact us.